Thursday, February 10, 2011

"Artist" Statement

To be honest I don’t know what being considered an artist entails, but nevertheless I still like to consider myself one. I like to write, which is what I believe to be my only artistic ability. I like to write about anything that rattles my mind in an unusual way. Writing let’s me get my feelings and emotions out on paper, in the manner that they can be hidden inside of a story, portrayed by a fictional character. My parents were born in Serbia, but moved to France at an early age. I was born in France but moved to Miami, Florida, when I was 6 years old. Growing up bombarded by highly different and highly contagious cultures molded me into the person that I am today. It allowed, and still allows, me to visualize the world in various ways, making me accessible to different interpretations of life. The first film I can remember watching was Jurassic Park, and I was about 7 years old and it was on VHS. That VHS has since then turned into a DVD and then again into Blu-Ray, but the writing itself will never change.  I can honestly say it is the one thing that made me want to become a writer. The fact that the story was made up, and that I could, on my own, make up absolutely anything that I wanted by coming up with my own story did nothing but fascinate me enough to still, to this day, want to pursue a career in that direction. To me Steven Spielberg, J.J Abrams, Christopher Nolan, Paul Thomas Anderson, and Danny Boyle are not filmmakers, but storytellers, who make their movies seem so realistic that they make us forget that we’re not watching something real unraveling before our eyes. They make us forget our everyday lives and make us remember that this world can, and still does, hold amazing people, places, and things. Hopefully, one day, I can influence someone with my stories as much as they have influenced me. Hopefully one day I can be a successful, according to my standards, storyteller.

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